Navigation and Terminology in kiosk OHS

This is the OHS menu or 'Node':

OHS Node

Click on a Sub-Node (e.g. Hazards) to open it. For all sub-nodes except Locations, the window will display a Tree Navigator on the left.

The structure is separated into these levels:


• Sub-Node Name

o Parent Location

 Location

Note that there may be multiple Parent Locations and Locations within the tree.

Tree Browser

Above each Tree NavigatorThis is the name given to the hierarchical structure within OHS, which contains a number of 'sub-nodes'. there is a toolbar known as the Tree Browser:

Tree Browser toolbar in HR3kiosk


Button Explanation
OHS - Expand All button Expand All 

This expands the whole structure so all the 'plus' buttons are opened (and they change to 'minus')

OHS - Collapse All button Collapse All

This collapses the whole structure so all the 'minus' buttons have been closed (and they change to 'plus')

OHS - Locations button OHS - Favorites button Locations and Favorites

These buttons work in conjunction - you can choose to display all locations, or a favorite location (e.g. the location where you are always based). Use these buttons to navigate between the two views.

See Default View and Favorites for more information.

OHS - Inactive button Inactive If any locations have been made inactive, by default these will not be displayed. Click Inactive to view these inactive locations.

Frame Resize

Occasionally when you are viewing a sub-node, the frame containing the Tree Navigator will not display in its entirety. This will occur if you reduce the browser window size - if a frame is larger than this reduced size, the frame will also reduce in size accordingly. However, the same frame will remain reduced even if you increase the size of the browser window.

To display correctly, increase the size of the window and then press F5 on your keyboard, or click on another sub-node, to refresh.

Window Display

There may be some sub-nodes in OHS where the right-hand panel contains a lot of data and you don't need to see the Tree Navigator (with the locations).

This will hide the Tree Navigator and expand the right-hand panel, making it the main panel. The bar with the arrow will appear to the left of the main panel. Click the arrow again to redisplay the Tree Navigator.

Additional Information